Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Natural Zero Calorie Sweetener: Stevia

Are you trying to avoid artificial sweeteners and lower your sugar intake? Then try using Stevia. What is Stevia? It is an herb from South America. The leaves of the plant are used as a sweetener usually in a powder form or a liquid supplement. You will find stevia at natural health food stores and it is sold as a dietary supplement in the United States. There are also no calories in stevia and it's not made with chemicals like artificial sweeteners such as Aspartame. Stevia has been used safely for hundreds of years in Japan.

I avoid buying products with any artificial sweeteners such as Aspartame and even Splenda aka: Sucralose. Artificial sweeteners are everywhere now. You'll find it in yogurt (low calorie versions),Fiber One Cereal (I was really surprised by this!), Diet sodas,cookies, snack bars and more. I look at all labels when I am grocery shopping. It may take longer but it is well worth for myself and my familie's health.

Just recently I purchased this Stevia supplement in liquid form:
It is wonderful. It comes in a convenient dropper bottle. Stevia is sweeter than table sugar so only a few drops are needed. I keep it in my purse and use it in my coffee and espresso drinks.

1 comment:

Rosebud Collection said...

I get this and there is another one I use..from Mexico..It begins with an A... can't remember the name..Good stuff..